Small Business Proposal Development

Full Cycle Response Development

Experienced Content Development Supported By World Class Tools

Correct | Clear | Compliant | Compelling

Proven Expertise

With our success measured in the billions of dollars of award (that is with a “B”), the Proposal Foundry team understands what it takes to win.

Each response can be worked from identification / business capture to submission and after action reviews.

We combine your firm’s competitive advantage with our deep understanding of response development – and add in our understanding of the agency drivers, research and open-source intelligence – to produce a complete, submission-ready response for each opportunity.

Process Driven Action

To consistently win awards, your responses need to be accurate and compliant, as well as clear and compelling. Proposal Foundry uses process – driven methods to ensure each aspect of your response is tailored to produce your best opportunity to win.

Proposal Foundry will tailor our small business proposal development processes to match your firm’s business requirements. Our team will work with your staff to build a measurable, managed response cadence to produce easy to understand, value-forward content in both technical and administrative areas.

small business proposal development

Agency Experience

With decades of practical experience working as federal contractors, we understand the practical aspects of business development, as well as delivering services.

We speak the subtle language understood by contracting and acquisitions staff who evaluate and award contracts. In addition, we produce content that frames your company’s ability to deliver in terms meaningful to delivery organizations and client personnel.

We bring a deep body of small business proposal development knowledge for all federal agencies, from defense, security and research to health, transportation, agriculture, and commerce.

Department of State Seal
Department of Homeland Security - DHS
United States Air Force - US Air Force - USAF
United States Army - US Army
US Department of Agriculture - USDA
Housing and Urban Development - HUD
USMC - US Marine Corps - Marines - DoN
US Environmental Protection Agency - EPA
NASA Meatball Logo
National Institute of Health - NIH
US Veterans Administration - VA

small business proposal development

Our Only Focus

As a small business owner, we understand you may have your hands full simply “keeping the lights on”. The Proposal Foundry team understands and adapts to your environment.

We know you are busy, so let our team take care of building a solid pipeline while you take care of running your business!

Specifically, we work with 8(a) companies to help them build a solid foundation within the program, HUBZone companies, Woman-Owned Small Businesses and Veteran Owned Small Businesses to leverage special set-asides… build direct award strategies and grow teaming arrangements.

Bespoke Marketing Plans

We'd love to share our knowledge and experience

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